Patient Success Story
In the life that my husband, Jose, and I lead, we wake up, give thanks to God for another day, and carry on happily with what the world presents us. On May 2nd of 2022, I thought of nothing other than what I usually do–I was just happy to share another day with my husband. Until things took a turn for the worse.
My husband had decided to pressure wash the fence in our backyard while I carried on with my own chores for the day. I noticed the manner in which he was working was slightly strenuous, but it was nothing either of us weren't used to. Like normal, we were winding down after dinner and a shower, when he started to complain of leg cramps just before bed. Thinking nothing of it, I offered him medicine specifically for his cramps, along with some water. Because we're both diabetic, experiencing these types of cramps is something we deal with quite often.
It was around four in the morning when my husband awoke still complaining of leg cramps. He was getting out of the bed to go get more medicine but fell to the ground. I immediately knew something was wrong. After realizing I was not able to help pick him up, I called our son to help. With our help, Jose was able to walk to the truck. My son helped him into the vehicle and rushed us to the emergency room at DeTar Hospital Navarro.
It was there in the emergency room that the doctor realized he had a blood clot in his carotid artery along with two others in his brain. While Victoria does not have a neurosurgeon, DeTar Healthcare System has a teleneurology program. The ER team here brought in a special computer system that allowed a doctor in another city to actually see my husband and conduct a virtual exam with the assistance of the DeTar staff and physicians. After evaluating my husband's physical appearance, symptoms and diagnostic tests, the neurologist ordered a transfer to a hospital in Corpus Christi.
We are extremely grateful for the prompt response and care we received in Victoria, however, it was a very serious diagnosis, and we were not expecting a positive outcome. In fact, in the Corpus Christi hospital, I was told, "You may as well find a place to take him because he is going to die." At this point in time, I was thrilled that he was alive, but heartbroken at the idea of having to leave the facility we went to for help, alone.
In the end, he was placed on a gastric feeding tube and had experienced a significant amount of weakness on the left side of his body. The thought of him not being able to talk, walk or have any mobility was defeating, for sure, but I know my husband. He's a fighter.
I was preparing to go to Corpus Christi when I suddenly became ill myself and was admitted to DeTar Hospital Navarro. While I was hospitalized, one of my nurses came in and said to Mrs. Torres, "Your husband has been brought back to Victoria and is now in our rehab unit." I could barely believe it, and I jumped up and raced to the other end of the fourth floor to find him. Sure enough, he was there, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that he was.
Having him in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility at DeTar Hospital Navarro was a true blessing, and I credit the team at DeTar for my husband's success. Remember just a month earlier we were told he would never recover, but with his determination and the dedication of the staff at DeTar, he has regained much of his prior function.
Jose's rehab included physical, occupational and speech therapy. At the previous facility, we were told he would never be able to walk again. I was hopeless, but held onto God. I knew he had a plan for us. His therapists were conservative in their estimates of what he may be able to achieve. When they told him it may take years for him to be able to walk again, he shook his head and told them, "No, I'll be walking by Thanksgiving." The challenge was on. That first week, Jose was moving himself from room to room on the rehab floor in his wheelchair, and shortly there after, he was wheeling to the end of the hallway and back to his own room Then, just before Thanksgiving and by the grace of God with help from the awesome therapists, my husband was up and walking.
There are truly so many small victories that DeTar helped us celebrate. In just three weeks worth of therapy, my husband went from 0 to 360* - these nurses and therapists were truly fabulous. We owe it all to the team there for the track my husband is back on to living a quality life; we could never repay them for what they have done for us.